Thursday, March 19, 2009

registration FAQs

1. where can i make up my pe credits?
you can take it during summer school at Cerritos High.

2. should i take AP Bio or AP Chem?
what were you better at: bio or chem? only you can answer that question. your counselor cannot. if you have doubts, talk to the teachers who actually teach both courses to get a better idea...or look in the registration handbook for further description.

3. how many APs should i take next year?
the max number of APs/Honors classes you can take is 4 to get your GPA weighted in the entire 4 years of high school. that means only 8 semesters of in your transcript will be weighted when the UCs or the Cal States look at your transcript. the weighted classes are tagged on your CHS transcript with a plus + sign next to it. the reason why taking more APs is desirable is because colleges are looking for two things: rigor and progression. progression: means that your classes go from levels 1 through 4, that you actually complete a sequence of classes. (ex. spanish 1-4) rigor: means that you are taking harder and harder classes each year. (ex. biology, then chem, then physics, then AP bio/chem, etc.)

4. should i take a fine art senior year or now?
if you complete your fine art requirement before the END of your junior year, you may be eligible for the ELC. the ELC is a scholarship program designated by the UCs where the top 9% of the students in your class is guaranteed admission to one of the UC campuses.

5. does foreign language count as meeting your fine art requirement?
yes, only if you are looking just graduating from cerritos high school. if you are looking at completing college entrance requirements, then NO, you have to take at least 2 years of a foreign language PLUS a fine art!

6. does AP Environmental Science count as a UC approved class?
no, not yet. you are taking this class purely because it interests you. speak with the teacher of the class to get more info or consult the registration handbook.

7. does marching band count for PE credits?
yes, if you have passed the fitness gram. you have to take 2 years of marching band to complete ONE year of PE credits. 4 years of marching band to complete TWO years of PE credit.

8. does PEP count for PE?

9. do i need teacher signatures?
yes, if it says so in the registration handbook. otherwise, we will be using your STAR test scores and your grades in the class.

10. should i take a 4th year of language?
yes. to complete the sequence. remember rigor and progression? this is the progression piece of the puzzle. if you can handle the 4th year without failing or getting a D, then you should def. sign up.

more later...
-miss lin