Mount St. Mary's College
- A Catholic, Women's college specializing in liberal arts and sciences education
Demographics- 75% females, 25% males
- 8 sororities, 2 fraternities
- under 2,000 students total
- Class ratio 16:1
- 2 campuses: Doheny campus for two year programs located in downtown Los Angeles, and classes are much smaller
- Chalon campus for four year programs located in Brentwood, near UCLA
- May apply to Chalon campus, but get accepted to Doheny if test scores are not as high
- After four years of school and receiving a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), students can become a nurse right after graduation
- Can receive an Associate's Degree in two years to become a Registered Nurse (R.N)
- 95% of student have jobs before graduating
- If interested in nursing: emphasize on SAT math scores, AP Biology class & Math class
- SAT 2 not required, but recommended due to competition
- Turn in: official transcript, SAT scores or ACT scores, 1 letter of recommendation (academic based), and can send in another letter of recommendation
- Application: will have 3 essays, choose 1, and write ONLY 1 1/2 pages double spaced
- Essay should illustrate student's creativity and a high level of writing
- Personal Statement: 2 pages double spaced, a get-to-know you essay
- Costs of Applications: paper applications $60, online applications $40, students can request from college for fee waivers
- If applying to more than 2 private colleges then use common application, which is one application used for multiple private colleges
Important Dates
- November 1, 2009: Open house, afternoon @ the Mount, and overnight program (call asap for reservations) ** Chalon campus overnight stay
- November 15, 2009: Doheny overnight stay
- November 18-20, 2009: Students can come to campus to turn in applications and get a decision that day. Need to make reservations and time is from 1:00-5:00pm.
- December 1, 2009: Submit applications by this date for early decision, and decision will be given before 12/25/09.
- February 15, 2009: regular application deadline date